(920) 356-5001
credit cards we accept

Online Classroom and Behind The Wheel

Full Online Class consists of full 30 hours Online classroom and Behind The Wheel

This is the complete course of 30 hours Online classroom and additional 6 hours of observation and 6 hours of behind the wheel instruction. This fulfills the State of Wisconsin requirement and is required for students under 18.

After registering you will receive an email from our partners, TeachSafe. This will confirm the registration and allow you to setup username and password. After all of the requirements are met you will be able to take this class just like you would in a regular live classroom except from the comfort of your own home or from anywhere else!

  • Student Contact Info

  • First
  • Middle
  • Last
  • Address
  • Address Line 2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • DOB
  • Phone
  • Gender
  • High School
  • Parent / Guardian & Emergency Contact Info

    Please provide at least one emergency contact.
  • Parent Name
  • Can We Text?
  • Parent Phone
  • Parent Email
  • Parent Name
  • Can We Text?
  • Parent Phone
  • Parent Email

  • Contract and Agreement

    Pay attention to the checked boxes
  • Date: 03/28/2025

    I (we) hereby make application to Drivers EdVantage Driving School LLC. I agree to pay a fee of $500.00 for the complete course of driving instruction to include 30 hours of classroom instruction, 6 hours of observation, and 6 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction. Payment of $250.00 is due before classroom begins and before application for permit can be signed. Final payment of $250.00 is due at the start of the first behind-the-wheel lesson. I agree to pay a fee of $485.00 for the complete Hybrid course of driving instruction to include 8 hours of classroom instruction, 22 hours of online classroom instructions, 6 hours of observation, and 6 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction. I agree to pay a fee of $475.00 for the complete online classroom version of driving instruction to include 30 hours of online classroom instruction, 6 hours of observation, and 6 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction. Requirements of classroom are: Students must be present for every session. If a student is absent for any legitimate reason, the absence must be made up. Students must be respectful and courteous to the instructor and all students. A student may be dismissed from the class for disruptive behavior (subject to instructors judgment.) No cell phone use will be allowed during class session. Bullying or any form of discrimination is not acceptable & will not be tolerated. Requirements of behind-the-wheel are: Student must start lessons within sixty days of the instructor signing their permit form. It is the responsibility of the student to call the school (920-356-5001) to set up lessons when they are ready. This means having a valid permit and being paid in full. Students must complete all six lessons. A fee of $50.00 will be charged for missed appointments without giving a 24 hour notice. Some exceptions will be made, at instructors discretion. Failure to meet requirements could result in being dropped from the course and having driving permit canceled. I agree to pay a fee of $350.00 for behind-the-wheel only. This includes 6 hours of observation and 6 hours of behind-the-wheel instruction. Payment of $175.00 is due when signing contract and $175.00 is due at the start of lessons. Proof of classroom completion is required before lessons can begin. I agree to pay a fee of $170.00 for classroom only. I understand that application for permit cannot be signed. I agree to pay a fee of $160.00 for Hybrid Classroom and ONLINE classroom only(8hrs/22hrs). I understand that application for permit cannot be signed. I agree to pay a fee of $150.00 for ONLINE classroom only(30 hrs). I understand that application for permit cannot be signed. Individual lessons for adults and students are $40.00 per hour for private classroom instruction and $75.00 per hour for private behind-the-wheel instructions. If under 18, proof of course completion is required. All drivers must have a valid learners permit. I agree to pay a fee of $75.00 for an Online Failure to Yield Right of Way course. I agree to pay a fee of $100.00 for a 2 hour Failure to Yield Right of Way course. I agree to pay a fee of $75.00 for a 10 hour refresher classroom course because it has been more than 13 months since I’ve taken classroom and I have not begun any of the required behind-the-wheel training. Proof of classroom course completion is required. Use of vehicle for state road test: $75.00 in Beaver Dam and $125.00 for out of town. If fuel prices exceed $4.00 / gallon, a fuel surcharge of $20.00 will be required before starting or during behind-the-wheel instruction. $15.00 Credit Card Processing Fee. $35.00 fee of checks returned NSF. REFUNDS: This school will not refund any tuition/fees or part of tuition/fees if this school is ready, willing, and able to fulfill its part of the agreement. This agreement constitutes the entire contract between the school and the student, and no verbal statement or promises will be recognized.

  • Payment and Confirmation

    Total of $490.00 will be charged to your Credit Cardcredit cards we accept
  • Card Number
  • Security Code (What is this?)
  • Expiration Date
  • Student Email
  • I agree to the terms above as well as TeachSafe Site Terms of Use and Privacy Policy